Power self-supply using photovoltaics
Solar energy is available in virtually unlimited quantities. Ever since photovoltaic systems have a sufficient technical and economic maturity for power generation, we have supported and advised our clients professionally with the planning and construction of photovoltaic systems. Due to low levelized costs of electricity, power self-consumption needs to be particularly considered nowadays.
With a precise analysis of the respective, to be investigated location, excellent possibilities arise for achieving cost savings. Depending on the location and type of photovoltaic-system – rooftop or open space mounted – funding through EEG (Renewable Energy Act) will still be possible. Facade installations have also been constructed with our support. With our geotechnical, constructional and electrotechnical know-how, we were able to construct photovoltaic systems even on difficult locations such as landfills, ash heaps, remaining areas on water utilities or sewage plants.
In the course of the increasingly more important power self-consumption, we support you with a needs-based planning and realization of your own power storage. Electrical load analyses, emergency power supply and the charging of electric vehicles can also be considered in the planning.
Our multidisciplinary team offers you the following services in the field of photovoltaic usage and solar energy:
Our services:
- Identification of potentially suitable locations or an assessment of photovoltaic options on defined sites
- Preliminary design and preparation of feasibility and economical studies in consideration of power self-consumption and the possibility of direct marketing
- Compilation of approval documentation (building applications, building permit)
- Preparation of tender documents and support during the contract award process
- Supervision and coordination of construction measures, intermediate and final inspections of the photovoltaic system
- Monitoring of the condition of the photovoltaic system
- Photovoltaic open-system
- Photovoltaic roof-system