The project “zero emission communities” funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research funded has reached its (temporal) vertex. Designed for five years, we are leading the sub-project “Energy” in its third year now. The other sub-projects includes, among other, waste (supervised by Izes in Saarbrücken) or water (supervised by the office AREAL). The two communities of municipalities Rockenhausen and Sprendlingen-Gensingen are considered in this project.
After completion of the task 1 involving the collection of all energy inventory data as part of an actual state analysis, useful methodologies for the creation of GIS-based tools were developed for potential evaluation in the task 2. A new type of energy demand cadastre has been developed based on the basis of a solar cadaster, which represents one of our basic services. Both thermal and electrical variations can be showed for each considered period. A process map is currently being designed as task 3, using these analyzes. This process map is intended as a tool for a structured development of the following next-practices projects.
Interdisciplinary synergies between the different, if possible all, sub-projects should be used beside the consideration of the wishes and needs of both communities of municipalities.