Smith Barracks USAG Baumholder

Baumholder, Rhineleand-Palatinate

Since 2007 the former domestic waste landfill, a tank storage area, former Gas Station and a hazardous waste storage area are monitored within the framework of annual contracts issued by the USAG Baumholder/DPW.  Furthermore, orientating environmental investigations are conducted for oil separators, tanks, vehicle parking areas but also in regard to build-in harmful substances. Additionally, the site was subjected to an extensive sampling campaign in order to compile a register for arsenic as the concentrations of arsenic in the soil are geogenic ally elevated.

Umwelttechnische Untersuchung USAG Baumholder

Implemented Measures

  • Groundwater monitoring
  • Landfill gas analysis
  • FID mappings
  • Video inspection of seepage water drainage
  • Determination of settling rates
  • Orientating environmental investigations
  • Risk assessments
  • Build-in harmful substances investigations
  • Soil declaration

Orientating Investigations

In the scope of orientating environmental investigations up to 10 potentially hazardous sites are explored annually. The site investigations comprise up to 130 soundings. The soundings are analyzed in regard to soil and waste legislative aspects.