In 2014 the future process for the company succession was initiated at P+R. We are pleased that we are able to fill the management from among our own ranks. With this we ensure continuity for our employees and for our clients.
Since 1 November 2015 Tina Steuerwald, who has been the head of controlling for two years, and Dipl.-Ing. Michael Drees, who is a longstanding employee and the manager of the division environment, are both active in the management.
The founders of the fompany Dipl.-Geol. Horst Peschla and Dipl.-Geol. Michael Rochmes who have been the sole managing directors until now remain in the company as managing partners. Both will concentrate on taking care of costumers, business partners and the networks of Peschla + Rochmes. Furthermore, both will be available as mentors for the “young generation”.
After her business administration studies, Tina Steuerwald worked in the controlling department of a technology group. Since 2012 she has been avtive in the corporate controlling for P+R. As the daughter of Horst Peschla she is closely connected to the lifework of her father and of Michael Rochmes. As a “young, wild one”, Tina Steuerwald wants to provide new inputs to the management. She will concentrate on the organization in the company and the internal support.
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Drees will coordinate as authorized representative the business divisions and he will continue to lead the division environment. Michael Drees has worked for P+R for 25 years. Since his studies he has grown with the company. His extensive experience and his way of looking at things from every angle provide a good basis for the new management team.
„We think ahead“… this also applies to the company succession. With continuity, know-how and innovative solutions we are a reliable partner for our customers, business partners and friends.