Energy Management
The DIN EN ISO 50001 standard describes the requirements on an energy management system (EnMS). This enables a company to continually improve its energetic performance by using a systematic approach while complying with legal requirements as well as with other obligations imposed on the organization. The use of an EnMS leads to constantly increasing energy efficiency, which in turn leads to cost reductions and thus strengthens a company’s competitiveness. Energy management does not only influence organizational and technical workflows, but also influences the working practices of the employees involved.
The introduction of an EnMS ensures that savings potentials become visible. This transparency and this traceability are the basis on which the employees involved can optimize energy efficiency and sustainability. As a process, an energy management system has no defined end and is usually maintained and supported independently by many employees after a start-up phase.
Not only do positive effects of an EnMS justify its introduction, energy management systems are also a mandatory prerequisite for claiming peak equalization pursuant to Sec. 10 of the Electricity Tax Act (StromStG).
We support you in setting up an EnMS in your company by offering the following services:
- Inventories
- As-built plans
- Use of experienced energy specialists
- Use of experienced auditors
- Project planning
- Concept development
- Documentation